CEO and Owner of the Hayden C. Hewes International UFO Bureau

As a leading UFO and UAP researcher, public speaker, and advocate for transparency in unidentified phenomena investigations, I have dedicated years to exploring the mysteries of Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs) and Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAPs).
Based in Oklahoma City, I am the proud owner and CEO of the International UFO Bureau (IUFOB), a groundbreaking nonprofit organization committed to uncovering the truth behind decades of UFO reports and advancing cutting-edge research into non-human intelligence. With a strong background in investigative research, media appearances as a trusted UFO expert, and a proven track record in community leadership, I aim to bridge the gap between scientific exploration and public understanding. My work has been featured in prominent TV interviews and collaborative projects that spotlight innovative approaches to understanding UFO and UAP encounters.
Explore my website to learn more about my mission, current projects, and opportunities to support the IUFOB’s efforts to transform how humanity approaches these fascinating phenomena.